Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Drives The Market!

The market is an expression of the human actors (it is the universal language and prices are the words) and all humans exercise some degree of the entrepreneurial spirit.

The magnificent thing about the market is that it communicates intent and has content. When the medium of exchange is the one that is chosen by the market (ex. commodity monies since the beginning of human history) then it is indeed true that the words (prices) are universal also.

Humans are seekers after truth, but in varying degrees and at various times, and some even are mostly latent but this condition of latency is amplified and stretched out by the denigration of the spirit caused by the propaganda of the State. Releasing the entrepreneurial spirit is one of the tremendous powers of the market.

At the same time it is the entrepreneurial spirit that drives the market!!!

Twitter @DivineEconomy


Check out my new website: http://bruce-koerber.squarespace.com

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Economic Synonyms That Fit In The Divine Economy Theory.

The following terms all fit perfectly within the parameters of the divine economy theory. In a sense, then, the divine economy theory can be considered as a specialized version of each of these.

Capital-Based Economics
Austrian Economics
Classical Liberalism
Market Economy
Disequilibrium Analysis

It would not be wholly accurate to say that the divine economy theory is identical to any of these since there are many unique contributions in the divine economy theory that are not present in these other perspectives. Other than any claims made by some of the adherents to these other perspectives that atheism is implied, there is no aspect of these above mentioned perspectives that does not wholly fit within the divine economy theory.

Twitter @DivineEconomy

Check out my new website: http://bruce-koerber.squarespace.com