Sunday, September 22, 2013

Economic Modeling Using Subjectivism!

Divine Economy Model: A subjectivist model that describes the economy in the following terms: human spirit, transformation, law, order, purposeful action, capital structure, market, property rights, justice, and unity.

The degree of specificity and intricacy in this model has never before been achieved even though the logic and the concepts have always been there in both the classical liberalism tradition and in the Austrian economics tradition.

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Monday, September 9, 2013

With The Wings Of Subjectivism And Austrian Economics!

Like a phoenix - out of classical liberalism with the wings of subjectivism and Austrian economics rises the divine economy theory! Its flight encompasses macroeconomics, microeconomics, ethical economics, and economic justice.

The nest of its origin consists of the contributions of the great minds within the tradition, lined with the natural law pertaining to the remarkable human spirit.

This sustaining nurturance makes it possible for the phoenix to fly to hitherto undiscovered territories! And, not to be forgotten, eggs will hatch and carry everything forward, far and wide, and into the future.

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