Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Does The Divine Economy Theory Differ From Austrian Economics?

The divine economy theory does not differ with Austrian economics unless, for some reason, Austrian economics is considered as finished. Just like Austrian economics has basically nothing to do with the economy of Austria, Austrian economics encompasses the advancement of economic science and praxeology beyond the remnant links (their students) to Mises and Rothbard. Of course there are criteria that can be used to determine if the advancements are true to the Austrian tradition and the tradition of classical liberalism.
If there is a noticeable difference between Austrian economics and the divine economy theory it has to do with the removal of religious prejudice and the creeping of atheism into 'science.' Some who contribute to Austrian economics have an exclusionary attitude that is not complementary with an attitude of comparative religion. Some who contribute to Austrian economics think that atheism is an expression of wertfrei and cannot fathom the harmony of sciene and religion. Let's be fair and measure these contributors with the existent criteria of what is Austrian and what is classical liberalism. I am up to the challenge. Are others?
Regardless, as an Austrian economist I continually test what is being developed as part of the divine economy theory and so far it meets the tests. As far as I am concerned the divine economy theory is merely a specialized study within the Austrian economics tradition and the classical liberalism tradition.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Will Austrian Economics Just Be Called Economics?

Austrian economics is the name that emphasizes the time and place when subjectivism regained focus and classical liberalism regained recognition.

Within subjectivism there is only one kind of economics and within classical liberalism there is only one kind of economics in the sense that there is recognition that all human action is subjective and there is no moral authority for any intervention into the economy.

In this sense I agree wholeheartedly with you and with Peter Schiff. Where I differ is because of the difference between carrying old baggage forward versus discarding the old bags. For instance, are we to assume that these marvelously intelligent and spiritually perceptive creatures (humans) will merely accept carrying forward a obsolete understanding of the concept of equilibrium, as if it exists but no one is allowed to try to understand it further? The answer is no!

Whether the name used in the future is "economics" or "divine economy theory" is not important (because both are ancient concepts and have parallel origins) but the concepts elucidated in the divine economy theory will definitely be a part of this scientific discipline.

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hermeneutical Ego-Driven Interpretation!

How bizarre is the distortion caused by the perverse condition of being ego-driven!

To put things into perspective consider the unleashing of the ego that hermeneutics does. It take the reigns of truth and logic and justice and gives them to an unfettered self for whatever indulgence it pleases and says "anything goes." It pretends to honor the subjectiveness of humans - not by recognizing the methodology of subjectivism, but by perverting the concept of liberty to mean nihilism, relativism, and solipsism.

Now imagine this 'anything goes' mentality being applied to any discipline. It it the antithesis of discipline, and therefore it is the destroyer of whatever discipline to which it is applied.

Both Austrian economics and the divine economy theory recognize the subjective nature of human beings and the need for the application of the subjective methodology to advance the study of human sciences. Protecting science from the ego-driven and perverted hermeneuticians is an important aspect of the advancement of economics and therefore the advancement of civilization.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Launching of the Austrian Economics / Divine Economy Theory Interface.

This is the first post. As time permits there will be many more and all of them will originate from the literature of classical liberalism in general and Austrian economics more specifically. Then the parallel with the divine economy theory will be drawn.

This should do two things:
1). Cement the divine economy theory to the scientific literature.
2). Demonstrate that the divine economy theory is a specific scientific endeavor within the classical liberalism and Austrian economics traditions.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

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